Friday, January 21, 2011

[PySide] Python for Qt version 1.0.0~beta4 "I have altered the deal" released

I can't see this post on and can't resist to share the good news about new PySide release.

The PySide team is happy to announce the fourth beta release of PySide:
Python for Qt. New versions of some of the PySide toolchain components
apiextractor, generatorrunner, shiboken, libpyside, pyside-tools have been
released as well.

Like the others, this is a source code release only; we hope our community
packagers will be providing provide binary packages shortly. To acquire the
source code packages, refer to our download wiki page [1] or pull the relevant
tagged versions from our git repositories [2].

Major changes since 1.0.0~beta3

This is a bug fix release. Since beta3, a total of 47 high-priority
bugs have been fixed. See the list of fixed bugs at the end of this message.

Path towards 1.0 release

There are still some outstanding bugs in our Bugzilla [3]. To have these
fixed, we plan to do other beta in two weeks. The beta cycle will continue
until we have all P2 bugs fixed.

About PySide

PySide is the Nokia-sponsored Python Qt bindings project, providing
access to not only the complete Qt 4.7 framework but also Qt Mobility,
as well as to generator tools for rapidly generating bindings for any
Qt-based libraries.

The PySide project is developed in the open, with all facilities you'd
expect from any modern OSS project such as all code in a git repository
[2], an open Bugzilla [5] for reporting bugs, and an open design
process [4]. We welcome any contribution without requiring a transfer of

List of bugs fixed

624     button click emit doesn't work
484     Error compiling QtContacts 1.1 (problems with const QList)
498     powerStateChanged-SIGNAL not emitted!
509     Can't use Shiboken when both Debug and Released are installed.
528     Connecting to SIGNAL positionUpdated fails
552     Segmentation fault when using QUiLoader and QTabWidget
553     A warning against using QUILoader is needed in the documentation
560     Lack of QtCore.Signal documentation
582     Python slots don't get called when they have a custom decorator
589     Crash related to QGraphicsProxyWidget and QVariant
592     shiboken.dll produces a segmentation fault when reloading a PySide module
608     Photoviewer example missing license boilerplates and shebang lines
609     Python site-packages path cannot be customized
610     QWidgetItemV2 not exposed to Python
626     Problem building PySide on OS X (qabstractfileengine_wrapper.cpp:
No such file or directory)
406     Unable to send instant messages using QMessageService
458     Doesn't build with QtMobility 1.1.0~beta2
487     Support QContactDetailFieldDefinition.setAllowableTypes
497     Miising __lt__ operators in QtMobility::QGeoMapObject
499     QFeedbackHapticsInterface and QFeedbackFileInterface are broken
511     QPainter doesn't respect Qt.NoPen
522     example/threads/ crashes on exit
523     QWidget.winId() returns PyCObject (expected unsigned long)
530     Importing division from future breaks QPoint division
531     sessionProperty "ConnectInBackground" does not work
539     MCC and MNC interchanged
541     QTableWidget.itemAt(row, col) always returns item at 0, 0.
550     Can't call PySide slot from QtScript when the args are a list of anything.
556     QGraphicsScene.addItem performs very poorly when the scene has >10000 items
562     pyside-uic does not generate some layers properties
568     List insertion time grows with list size
574     In docs of QUuid there's documentation for a function called
"operator QString"
575     Strange behaviour of QTextEdit.ExtraSelection().cursor
584     python pickle module can't treat QByteArray object of PySide
591     QtCore.QRect has no attribute "getRect()" in Windows binary
611     enum values lack a tp_print implementation
614     FAil to register 2 objects in the same address
619     never automatically delete a QWidget that has no parent widget and
is visible
620     QAbstractItemModel.createIndex(int,int,PyObject*) does not
increment refcount
621     QGLWidget.bindTexture(QString) does not bind the texture correctly
622     PPA pyside is broken on Ubuntu 10.10
623     QGLWidget.bindTexture(QPixmap, GLenum, GLenum) is missing
625     QFileDialog return a tuple instead of a unicode
628     pyside-uic can't effect "headerVisible" attribute for QTreeView
and QTreeWidget
232     [FTBFS] Fails to build on hurd-i386 (Test "lock" hangs for more
than 191 minutes)
255     Test qtscripttools_debugger segfaults on ia64
298     Contact subtype not correctly set



PySide team.

Saturday, January 08, 2011

Injecting SVN bindings into Mercurial on Windows

If you need to add Subversion bindings for your Mercurial, which was installed using ordinary installer (and not TortoiseHg), then the following script can help to put all files in place.

Unpack svn bindings, add all *.py files from svn/ and libsvn/ directories into the root of archive *with* these directories. Then call script with path to unpacked libsvn/. The script will generate some *.dll and *.py files in current directory. Put *.py into and *.dll into Mercurial installation directory. You may need to also copy libsvn_swig_py-1.dll into Mercurial dir.

The script can be tuned to insert C extensions to any py2exe distribution compiled with bundle_files=3