Tuesday, March 22, 2011

User Pattern: Button Status

Introduction into User Patterns

Many of you know about Design Patterns of software development, invented to make complicated solutions look less complicated. The problem with Design Patterns is that they describe solutions to coding problems - not for user problem. People abusing Design Patterns tend to align the functionality of application to patterns, sacrificing features users wanted. The application that looks well-designed in the eyes of developers, in fact makes even simple features hard to implement or just takes too much time. As time passes, users become dissatisfied and eventually lose all interest in the product.

People tried to approach the problem from the other end with User Interface Design guidelines. This often made developers unhappy, because their Design Patterns don't explain how to work with web and Ajax application where "business logic" becomes shared between client and server. Developers wanted to see how different frameworks approach this stuff and to make the development process more intuitive. For this reason there should be a way to see how some typical features/functionality are implemented in different frameworks and this should be more detailed than a wiki or a blog in 15 minutes.

So, let me introduce User Patterns. User Pattern is a very abstract story, missing details about design decisions, but detailed enough to provide implementation and see how _simple_, _extensible_ and _maintainable_ this implementation is.

Button Status User Pattern

User story: I want a page with a button and a status field displayed. When I click the button, the status should be updated.

Description: There are five levels in the quest for the implementation of this pattern.
Level 1. The status is blank - it is fetched/calculated only when the button is pressed.
Level 2. The status is initially available - and it is refreshed/calculated when the button is pressed.
Level 3. When refresh/recalculation fails, the error value is displayed in status field.
Level 4. When refresh/recalculation fails, the error value is displayed in status field along with user friendly message in separate field
Level 5. The status value is stored in application database - when the button is pressed, it is recalculated, saved and only when displayed to the user
Level 6. When recalculation/save or fetch operation fails, user should be presented with friendly message explaining the error and further action (i.e. report problem link)

I'm looking forward to create samples for AppEngine webapp, classic Django and Django-nonrel. Feel free to share your snippets.

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